Acne Treatment – What You Need to Know

압구정피부과 Acne treatment is a process that involves several different approaches. Your doctor can recommend the best course of action based on your skin’s condition and symptoms.


Mild acne can usually be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) products containing the active ingredients salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Prescription-strength topical retinoids can help with more severe cases of acne.

Topical medications

There are many options for acne treatment, including both topical and oral medications. Your skin doctor will help you choose the 압구정피부과 best acne medication for your situation.

Some of the most common types of topical medications are retinoids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients work to clear your pores and prevent new pimples from forming by killing bacteria.

These products are available over the counter or may require a prescription. The doctor can also recommend stronger formulations that may be able to treat more severe cases of acne.

Retinoids are derived from vitamin A and can reduce inflammation and encourage skin cell growth. They can also decrease the chances that a pore is clogged by reducing oil production and killing bacteria.

Benzoyl peroxide is another ingredient that can reduce bacteria and destroy inflammatory cells. It is less drying than retinoids and can be used on sensitive skin.

Other common ingredients 압구정피부과 in OTC acne treatments include acids (salicylic, glycolic, hyaluronic acid), which can help reduce inflammation and promote new skin growth. They can also remove dead skin cells that clog pores and promote shedding.

Prescription acne gels and creams often contain a stronger form of benzoyl peroxide, which can do a better job at destroying bacteria. They can also contain a retinoid drug called tretinoin, which helps promote shedding of skin cells and encourages new growth.

These medications are usually paired with antibiotics for moderate to severe acne. They can help reduce the bacteria and inflammation in large red pimples, pustules, and deeper-set painful nodules. The antibiotics should be taken for the shortest amount of time possible to minimize the risk of developing resistance to the drugs.

Oral antibiotics are most often prescribed to treat more serious forms of acne that do not respond to other treatment options, such as retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. These drugs include tetracycline, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

Despite their potential to improve acne, antibiotics can cause many side effects, such as stomach upset and kidney failure. They can also affect your blood pressure, liver function, and mood. It is important to use them only under the supervision of a medical professional.

Oral medications

There are several oral medications that can be used to treat acne, including antibiotics, anti-androgens, birth control pills and a vitamin A drug called isotretinoin. These treatments can be used as a standalone therapy or in combination with other topical therapies to boost your acne treatment results.

Oral medications can help reduce inflammation and decrease the amount of oil your body produces, which can help clear up blemishes. They can also help prevent future breakouts from forming by killing bacteria and by regulating the hormone changes that cause them.

The type of oral medication that’s right for you depends on a few factors, including your age, the severity of your acne and your overall health. A dermatologist can assess your skin and inform you about the best oral medication for your condition on an individual basis.

OTC creams and gels that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can also work to help clear up your acne by reducing the amount of sebum your body produces. These products are typically available over the counter, though some require a prescription.

Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic tablet, such as tetracycline, to help decrease the amount of bacteria in your body and fight inflammation. Oral antibiotics are usually used when your acne is moderate to severe, and they’re often combined with other acne-fighting topicals like benzoyl peroxide or retinoids.

Oral antibiotics can be taken for as little as 3 to 4 months, or until your doctor reevaluates you. They’re usually effective and are a good way to reduce your inflammation, but they’re not suitable for long-term use as they can increase your risk of developing antibiotic resistance.

You should take your oral antibiotics with extra sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun, especially during the first few weeks of treatment, as tetracyclines can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. You’ll also want to avoid taking tetracyclines if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, as they can make those women more likely to have a baby with serious birth abnormalities.

If you have very severe acne, your doctor may recommend a vitamin A drug called isotretinoin (Accutane), which works to resurface your skin and remove the buildup of keratinocytes at hair follicles that cause breakouts. It can be very effective for some people, but it can also cause some serious side effects, including depression and suicidal thoughts.

Hormonal treatments

Hormonal acne can be a frustrating condition to live with. While some women are able to clear up their skin on their own, many others require prescribed treatment to get their skin back to normal.

The best way to determine if hormonal acne is affecting you is to talk with your dermatologist about the type and severity of your acne, along with a full medical history. This will help your doctor to create a comprehensive treatment plan that can be effective in treating hormonal acne and lessening the risk of scarring.

In most cases, your dermatologist will recommend topical retinoids to reduce the appearance of hormonal breakouts on your face and neck. These medications are often safe to use long-term and can help prevent new acne breakouts from occurring as well, but they are not an effective treatment for severe cystic acne.

Your dermatologist may also prescribe oral medication to treat your hormone-related acne, such as Spironolactone, which helps to regulate the amount of androgen (male hormone) in your body and can reduce the number of breakouts you experience. This type of hormonal acne treatment is usually safe to take long-term, and your dermatologist will carefully monitor your progress before deciding if it is appropriate for you.

For many people with this type of acne, a combination of topical and oral medications is the most effective approach to getting their skin back to healthy, clear condition. Your dermatologist can also prescribe specific spot treatments, skincare routines, cosmetic treatments, and oral medications that are specifically designed to address the causes of your acne breakouts.

Another common hormonal acne treatment involves the use of oral contraceptives to control your hormones and lower the level of testosterone in your body. These medications can reduce the number of breakouts you experience and help to prevent future ones from forming, according to Zeichner.

The combination of oestrogen and progesterone in a birth control pill can decrease the amount of androgen in your body, which can make your acne clearer. There are several birth control pills that contain this ingredient, such as Yaz, Beyaz, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and EstroStep.


Injections can be a great way to treat stubborn acne. They’re especially useful for patients who have cystic or nodular acne, which are characterized by large pus-filled pimples that can leave behind scars if they don’t get treated.

Cortisone injections use a synthetic hormone, cortisone, to shrink the walls of acne cysts and reduce inflammation. They also help clear up large, painful acne breakouts, says dermatologist Loretta Ciraldo, MD.

Usually, your doctor will numb the area before injecting. This can be done with lidocaine, a topical medication that can help alleviate pain during the procedure.

Once the needle is inserted, you may feel a pinch, but this feeling will subside quickly after the injection has finished. The only time you might feel discomfort is if your acne cyst is very large and painful, so it’s important to discuss this with your doctor before receiving a cortisone shot.

Many patients who receive cortisone shots notice a dramatic decrease in the appearance of their blemishes after treatment. The treated pimples often soften, shrink and flatten within 24 hours of the shot.

The effect of a cortisone shot is temporary, so you’ll have to continue using other acne medications in order to keep your skin looking clear. But, it’s a good way to treat blemishes that won’t respond to other treatments, such as retinoids or benzoyl peroxide.

Another benefit of cortisone shots is that they don’t cause short-term redness in the treated area, unlike some other acne treatments. This can be useful if you want to improve your complexion and minimize the appearance of a blemish for an upcoming event.

However, it’s important to note that cortisone injections can cause other side effects, including pain and hypopigmentation (loss of color) after a shot. This is less of a concern in people who have dark skin, but it’s still something to look out for.

In addition, if your acne is very deep, a steroid shot might not be the best option. It might also cause thinning of the skin in the treated area. If this is a problem for you, try dermal fillers instead.